Welcome to the site, my name is Jeff and I have been working in the IT field since the early 90's. Most of what I post here is related to work that I do for the various companies that I have worked for over the years. Please feel free to look around ask questions or post comments (if available).
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Recent Posts
Windows 2008 R2 Clustering
Our current file server cluster falls out of warranty in about a month, and as it was over-spec’d to begin with we made a purchase of new hardware from Dell. We bought several things, two new servers for the file sharing cluster, a new sql server, a new backup server, a new virtual server, and two new iSCSI sans. I’ll talk about these as we get to them, for the time being I’ll talk about Failover clustering in Windows 200r R2.
The value of virtualization
From time to time I think that we all sometimes overlook the value of virtualization. I know that I do, and it came home to me today. We have a problem with storage, it seems we can’t get enough! Over the summer we migrated from an older 7TB fiber channel SAN, to a new 13TB iSCSI SAN. Since then we have watched as more and more of our storage has been consumed. We hit a crisis mode this past weekend when the 3.5TB lun we had allocated for user data, quite literally filled up. Feel free to yell at me for not being more mindful or more proactive, it’s a crazy situation and I don’t know if I had to do it over, I would make the same choices.
Extending a Virtual Disk on the MD3000i
We purchased our new iSCSI SAN this past summer and one of the important features for us was the ability to resize a lun as needed. The Dell MD3000i gave us that capability, while not in the best format, it does have a rather extensive CLI.
Finding Enabled User Accounts
I was recently notified that one of the computers that we’re responsible for had been compromised by Torpig. The way I understand it is the user launches a website that might be a part of a phishing scam, and the software gets dropped on their computer. Once installed it searches through the computer and transmits usernames, passwords, social security numbers, account numbers and the like up to a group of servers on the internet.
Group Policy Preferences in a mixed environment
We were recently directed to push Windows 7 out to the network which triggered the previous post on Windows 7 deployment. In order to make this happen we made a significant investment in hardware. The targeted group of computers, approximately 150, have been upgraded to 4gb of ram and at least a 150gb hard drive.