Welcome to the site, my name is Jeff and I have been working in the IT field since the early 90's. Most of what I post here is related to work that I do for the various companies that I have worked for over the years. Please feel free to look around ask questions or post comments (if available).
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Recent Posts
Build Report
The BuildReport procedure is a basic file creation script. It verifies that the folder that is passed in exists before processing anything. I could have made the script create the folder if it didn’t exist, but in our environment a given user may not be able to create a directory. This way it logs the error in the application log for later review.
Get Username
One of the things we find handy is the ability to know who is logged on to a given computer at any one time. The main reason is that our users rarely tell us which computer they are on when they submit a help-request, so if we have someplace to look that makes our jobs that much easier.
Get Prop
GetProp is a generic function that is used to return single-valued properties from objects in the Active Directory. If the property is empty it writes an entry to the application log via the LogData routine.
Winter 2008
The main thrust of this term was moving away from manual application installation and into a software lifecycle that provided automatic application installation via GPO. We acquired the AdminStudio product that would allow us to repackage a given application and deliver it to any lab within the domain.
How true it is...
I found this while searching for using GTK on Windows. Here is the thread.